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just start

That is it. Just start.

If you do this, the rest will come.

We have one singular mission: to forge WayMakers.

Our nation has been facing an identity crisis for years. I first began to grapple with it in 2020, running the wilds of the Colorado high country. The problem? Industriousness has been replaced with entitlement. Obsession with cultural sensitivities has overtaken the authentic pursuit of the “other”-the pursuit of creating a future worth looking forward to.

We exploit every difference instead of focusing on what unites us.

And here we are. At the crest of a great wave of opportunity. It’s refreshing after years of decline, but it’s also filled with great risk.

Now, more than ever, we need the silent few to step forward and speak up.

To speak through action. To use words that usher in strength, care, and integrity.

It is time for the WayMakers.


Because it is not over. The time to rebuild-with intention, care, and upward aim-is now.

But we must build with a hammer in one hand and a sword in the other. In our complacency, we have allowed those who contend with freedom to grow in strength.

This is not good. Freedom-individual sovereignty-is what allows humanity the hard-earned opportunity to thrive.

So where do we begin?

First, put your house in order before you dare criticize the world.

Work to remove the log that blinds your eye before pointing out the speck in your neighbor’s.

Verify that you are not casting stones from a glass home.

Only then, aim upward and move forward. Let the fruit of your pursuit of self-mastery guide you to the specific issues within your reach to address.

This is your call to action. To rise. To rebuild. To Forge Forward.

But remember: start with yourself. Do good, no matter how small, with what is within your ability to do.

Just start.

Ready to get started? Here are three ways to begin:

  1. Start with a conversation: Connect with [NOW] or via call/text: 719-838-5760
  2. Join the WayMaker Community: You don’t need to journey alone, despite differing worldviews, we are stronger when we work together. [Learn More Here]
  3. Dive Deeper: Explore the books and resources that started everything or connect with Jon directly. [Start Now]

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Seeking all WayMakers

Jon Mayo

Jon is an entrepreneur, author, podcast host, and strategic advisor who aims to provoke thought and incite positive action. He is the founder of the WayMaker Community, where he works to help men pursue significance, create immense value, and build strong communities, with a special passion for aiding fellow veterans in reclaiming their purpose post-service and forging their second mission.

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