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Steward Leadership and the Cancer Known as Ego


In a thriving city, there existed an organization named Harmony Enterprises, known for its community impact and innovative solutions. The board of directors, recognizing the need for transformative leadership, brought in a seasoned professional—an individual well-versed in the principles of steward leadership.

The Steward Leader’s Mission

 From the outset, the steward leader set clear, stakeholder-aligned criteria: fiscal responsibility, cultural strengthening, and daily incremental progress in pursuit of an infinite goal to build living legacy. The board agreed wholeheartedly, and with this vision, the leader embarked on a journey to align every facet of the organization to these principles.

Employees were empowered, and a culture of continuous learning and innovation took root. Financial stewardship practices were implemented, ensuring sustainable growth. The organization began to thrive, with a noticeable positive impact on both its internal culture and the wider community.

The Turning Point

 However, as time went on, the dynamics within the board began to shift. Life circumstances and personal ambitions altered the perspectives of key board members. Hubris and ego crept in, distorting the initial mission. The once-unified vision started to fracture.

One influential board member, driven by personal pride and a desire for greater recognition, began to push for changes that deviated from the agreed-upon criteria. Despite the clear evidence of progress under the steward leader’s guidance, this member’s voice grew louder, sowing seeds of discord.

The 180-Degree Shift

The board, swayed by this member’s assertive stance, decided to shift the organization’s trajectory. The new focus was now on rapid, high-profile initiatives that promised immediate visibility but lacked sustainable foundations. The steward leader, steadfast in their commitment to the original principles, found themselves at odds with this new direction.

Despite the leader’s attempts to realign the organization and warn of the potential pitfalls, the board pressed on, blinded by ego and the allure of quick wins. Blame was subtly cast upon those who had faithfully served, as the board began to rationalize the growing instability.

The Exodus of Conviction

The steward leaders within Harmony Enterprises, bound by their moral convictions, could no longer support the ego-driven agenda. One by one, they chose to leave, prioritizing their integrity over a compromised mission. As they departed, the organization’s foundational strengths began to erode.

The once-thriving culture deteriorated, innovation stagnated, and financial missteps became frequent. The board, now devoid of the guiding principles of stewardship, struggled to maintain control. They pointed fingers outward, refusing to acknowledge their role in the organization’s decline.

The Inevitable Demise

Harmony Enterprises, once a beacon of community impact and sustainable growth, crumbled under the weight of ego and misalignment. The board, trapped in a cycle of blame and denial, watched as their enterprise collapsed. The pride-filled desires of a few had overshadowed the collective good, leading to the organization’s downfall.

 The Moral

This tale serves as a stark reminder of the perils of hubris and ego in leadership. True steward leadership is not just about guiding an organization to success but maintaining alignment with core principles and stakeholder interests. When ego and personal ambitions take precedence, even the most promising organizations can falter.

The story of Harmony Enterprises underscores the importance of steadfast adherence to stakeholder alignment and the dangers of deviating from a well-defined mission. It is a call to leaders everywhere to remain vigilant against the corrosive effects of ego and to champion the values of stewardship, integrity, and the collective well-being of that which they are responsible for.

In the face of shifting dynamics and personal ambitions, will you stand firm in your commitment to steward leadership? Embrace the path of the WayMaker, and lead with integrity, wisdom, and a steadfast focus on maximizing holistic value creation. Ensure that your organization thrives sustainably, creating lasting value for all involved. The future of effective leadership lies in the unwavering principles of stewardship—will you be the leader who rises above ego and guides with purpose filled action?

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Jon Mayo

Jon is an entrepreneur, author, podcast host, and strategic advisor who aims to provoke thought and incite positive action. He is the founder of the WayMaker Community, where he works to help men pursue significance, create immense value, and build strong communities, with a special passion for aiding fellow veterans in reclaiming their purpose post-service and forging their second mission.
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